Thursday, March 12, 2009


Tonight Ken and I were invited to share with our son Michael and his sweet wife, Nicole, a really awesome moment. We went to a place called, Stork Vision and we were able to view, our almost to be, grandson through 3d was so amazing! And I am here to tell everyone that Cooper James, is perfect and cute as a bug! The process is the same as an ultra sound but, more advanced. We could actually see Cooper's face (what he looks like, can you believe it?)and see his feet perfectly, (counting all five toes on each foot) and all the rest of his cute, healthy body parts. I walked away feeling like I had just met our unborn was such a special feeling! Congrats, Michael and Nicole on a precious little child! Thanks, to Grandma Iris and Grandpa Jim (Nicole's parents) for making it all possible...I will never forget it! "What will they think of next?"....
Just amazing!

Cooper's Mom - due May 8th

Cooper's Mom and Dad

Cooper's Grandparents(Lefever and Schaub)
and Parents


  1. That sounds so fun! It truly is amazing what technology has done for us these days.

    I think those ultrasounds are great because they can give the parents such peace of mind...their baby is healthy and growing normal! We still have that anxiousness deep inside, that hope for a healthy baby. I'm sure everything is fine, but what a great blessing technology can be! It will be fun to finally meet Cooper!

  2. How neat Donna!! I could of stared at Crew all day long when I got to see him for the first time on an ultrasound.

    I remember when they went to print off some of the pictures they took of the ultrasound, the settings were messed up on the printer so I got to have an EVEN LONGER look at him so they could take more.

    Stork Vision sounds fancy shmancy!
