Thursday, April 2, 2009

What a pleasant surprise!

APRIL FOOL'S......Our little Rigdon surprised us all! He wasn't due until the 21st of April, but here he is! Born April 1, 2009 at 9:54 PM
Rigdon Grant Perry
6 lbs. 11 oz. 21" long

Papa and Nana with #7 grandchild

Rigdon with his Mommy and Daddy

The Anthony Perry Family

Tatum, Rigdon and Dad


  1. What a GREAT April Fools joke!! Congrats to everyone! He is adorable! And Natalie, well she DOESN'T even look like she had a baby!! I can't wait to meet him!!

    Love you guys!!!

  2. What a beautiful addition to the family!!! How does Natalie look so beautiful just after having a baby??!?!?!?!?!

  3. What a lucky family to get such a special little boy, Congratulations to all of you. Nat you look great, as always. love to each of you

  4. Congratulations on being a new Grandma again! You have a crew! This is Debbie Boyer....Rigdon is a doll!

  5. Oh my word, he is adorable! Who does he look like? Not a Perry, I don't think! I'm so happy for you. How great to have most of your family so close by! Love you and congrats!

  6. He reminds me of Natalie when she was born! Just gorgeous!
    Love you- Gail
